Christchurch region

Online Enquiry – Christchurch Region

If you’re looking for a synthetic grass solution that’s easy on your wallet and easy on the environment, then we’re here to help. We’ve got the best astro turf in Christchurch, New Zealand—and we’re ready to bring it to your doorstep.

Our fake grass is made from recycled materials and is 100% eco-friendly. It’s soft and lush and perfect for any space, no matter what size or shape it is. We offer custom colors and sizes so that you can get exactly what you need for any part of your property, whether it’s for a small garden or an entire property!

Since our company started in 2010, we’ve been dedicated to providing quality astroturf at affordable prices—and now more than ever before, we want everyone to be able to enjoy all the benefits of artificial grass without breaking their bank account!

We supply and install artificial grass Christchurch wide, so get in touch today to talk about your needs.